Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Avoid going to California starting June 16

If I were you I would not even consider going to California starting June 16. CNN is reporting that gays from all over the country are going there to get married. The CNN article is titled "Gay marriages worth $684 million", and it claims that gay marriages will boost the economy.

Do you remember what happended in Florida? Three hurricanes criss crossed the state two years in arow. Do you remember what happended to New Orleans? The Bible says this kind of behavior will cause the land to "Vomit you out".

I am not saying what will happen in California, I will leave that for the bigger prophets, but I do expect some real shaking to take place. It will cause a mass exodus from the state just like what happened in Florida and New orleans. My advice is to get out now and avoid the rush!

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