Thursday, February 25, 2010

IPCop with URL Filter

Years ago setting up a Linux firewall was a nightmare. Then after many trials I discovered IPCop. It installs in 10 minutes and it is up and running! Thats almost as easy as using a firewall box that hangs on the wall. There is one catch they do not tell you about. To get it going quickly do not use the network card that is built into the motherboard, and instead use a 3 com network card and an Intel network card. That way you know what card connects to what and you do not have to fight with the drivers to get them to work. The 3 Com card will connect to the internal network via your 24 port switch or hub and the Intel card will connect to the Web via your ISP's router.

Installing IPCop
Download the ISO file and burn a CD from the ISO Image file.
Boot the 'soon to be' server from the CD you made.
Press "enter" about 5 times.
Select "Skip" to skip floppy configuration.
  (Press 'space bar' to select the item, 'tab' three times, and then 'enter'.)
Select "Probe" to find the first network card. (The 3 Com Card)
Enter an IP address of (The IP of this Firewall)
Select "US" for the keyboard layout.
Select "EST" for Eastern Standard time.
Select "IPCop" for machine name and "workgroup" for a Domain.
  (or your companys domain)
Select "Disable" for the ISDN screen.
For Network Type select "Green and Red".
For Drivers and Cards Select "Probe" and assign the second card to "Red".
For Address Settings Select "Red", and enable "DHCP".
  (Unless you alrady have a DHCP server)
For DHCP Server Configuration - Set the IP Range to to and "OK"
  (This allows devices with 'fixed' IP address from 1 to 10)
Enter your password about 6 times and press "OK" to restart.

If everything went well you are up and running in 10 minutes or less!
Go to a machine on the network and from FireFox type ''
Enter 'admin' and your password 'xxxxxx'

Some other "Services" you may want to modfy are;
Select "Services", "Intrusion Detection", Enable on Red, Enable on Green, Select "Save"
Select "Services", "Proxy Server", Enable on Green, Transparent on Green, Log Enabled, Select "Save"

URL Filter Installation
Download IpCop-UrlFilter, burn to a CD and put into server.
type 'mount /dev/cdrom'
type 'cd /mnt/cdrom'
type 'cp ipcop [tab] /'
type 'cd /'
type 'tar zxvf ipcop [tab]'
type 'cd ipcop [tab]'
type './install'

It runs without creating any new tabs. Look under 'services', 'urlfilter'. You will want to do a blacklist 'update now' then select 'porn' and enable logging. I won't tell you how to test it, suffice it to say play with it boy, and you should get a 'blocked' screen. The log seems to take a while to start working, but it should log every blocked site.

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