Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Western Digital WD2500BEVS laptop 250 gig hard drives are dying!

Western Digital WD2500BEVS laptop 250 Gig hard drives are dying like crazy.  I have had to replace 2 of them in the last week.  They are mostly found in Gateway W350 Laptops.  I have switched to Seagate hard drives my self.

I then decided to warn a Gateway laptop owner of the problem and he advised me that he had to replace his hard drive 3 times!  Hopefully it is under warranty because they die when they are exactly three years old.

Speaking of Seagate they just bought out Samsung's hard drives.  That with Western Digital's acquisition of Hitachi really narrows down the manufacturers of hard drives.  maybe they see the handwriting on the wall. Solid state hard drives are taking over, no moving parts!  However solid state hard drives are still too expensive for me!

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