Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wordpress Drop Down Menu's with NO programming.

I have been raving over the new features in Wordpress and I need to clarify that I am talking about Wordpress with the "Twenty Ten 1.2" theme.  That theme is installed by default and yesterday I blogged about the built in thumbnail support, today its about the drop down menus.  There is a new 'appearance' tab called 'menu' from there you need to select the category from the bottom center select box.  You check the boxes you want then select 'add to menu'.  A simple menu is that simple.  Drop downs require that you offset the drop downs to the right of the main category as can be seen on the right side of the menu 'Parts' tab.
Once that is done click on "Save Menu" and then check to see if ti is all working like you wanted it to work.

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