Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wordpress and Twenty Ten Bugs

As Wordpress gains more features it is also gaining more bugs!  I am getting annoyed with some of the bugs as they do not make a lot of sense.  The most annoying one is that if some text is bold and you change the font color the font color remains black in the editor screen, but it has the correct color in the actual web page.

Here are there bugs I have found so far.

1. The items picture sometimes replaces the header picture.  This was meant to be a feature, avoid using large images that may get cropped and used to replace the header image or delete a few lines of code to prevent this from happening.

2. 'Strong' overrides 'Font Color=' in editor (Text appears to be black), but it appears correctly on actual web pages.

3. 'Remove featured image' does not work unless you go into 'media' and delete the image.  Otherwise the thumbnail image will be the one you tried to remove.

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