Friday, August 26, 2011

How to and why disable IPv6

In July the world quietly turned on IPv6.  We quickly started having strange network problems.  I have known for quite a while the IPV6 is a hole through your firewall.  A VERY BIG hole at that.  It is designed that way so that officials can trace you even if you are connecting through your neighbors wireless connection.  Well today a news story came out about some of the known the problems with IPv6.  It will be years before IPV6 (and windows 7 for that matter) is safe to use.  The good news is that if you stay with XP you are safe for now.....

"Experts are reporting a rise in the number of attacks that take advantage of known vulnerabilities of IPv6, a next-generation addressing scheme that is being adopted across the Internet. IPv6 replaces the Internet's main communications protocol, which is known as IPv4."  That is from

So you ask how do your turn off IPV6?  Just go into the network properties and get the properties of your network card and disable it right?  NOPE, not a chance.  OK so you Google Microsoft (do not use Bing it never finds what you want) and find how to use regedit to turn it off at:  Now you can breathe a sigh of relief.  Not so quick, according to "The Dude" its still going full blast, its not even slowing down.......

Think about it, if they designed IPV6 to trace every Internet connection through multiple firewalls, are they going to make a way to turn it off?  I doubt it.  But here is a fudge fix.  remember back when you looked up the network properties of your network card and turned off IPV6?  There was an IP associated with it.  Go to your firewall and block that IP from ever accessing the Internet.  I will not guarantee that will work either but I do not know of any other method.

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