Wednesday, April 17, 2013

My new book called "Arduino LED Projects"

I have been working on a new book called "Arduino LED Projects".  Now I am looking for a publisher.  It has a dozen projects from electronic dice, to a "wheel of prizes", to a quiz lockout machine, to a meter, and even a 8 by 8 dual color LED array.  It is already listed on

Here is a picture of the table of contents:

This is a peak at one of the pages:

Here is a picture of the front cover:


Here I am playing with one of the projects, a two digit meter:


  1. Why not publish it yourself, on Lulu for instance?

    I would be interested in buying such a book.

  2. I would be interested in buying it.

    Why not publish it yourself on Lulu for instance?

  3. It is on Amazon, eBay and CreatSpace
