Thursday, June 20, 2013

Universal 8 Bit Graphics Library bug

A while back I posted a video that showed a strange bug that was happening with my oscilloscope LCD program. It used U8GLib or the Universal 8 Bit Graphics Library.  The video is available at,

** UPDATE ** This problem is caused by updating the data while it is being displayed.  The update must not happen within the display loop.

Then I made a perfectly working oscilloscope using the Universal TFT Library and a better LCD. So then I thought I would go back and see what was the problem with U8GLib.

To rule out the LCD display I purchased a KS0108 compatible display because I could run it with its own support software or with the U8GLib.  With the KS0108 driver, I could not scale the amplitude of the input waveform, a new issue.  However the sine wave turned out perfectly using the KS0108 driver.  Then the same software really went crazy when I tried to use the U8GLib drivers.  Here is the video on YouTube,

Does anyone else have this problem or know of a solution??

Here is a picture of what the display should look like;

 But this is what happens when you move the position control to center the sine wave;


  1. good evening
    I have the same problem y between y35 and y45
    It does not display the string.
    In my project I use an LCD 12864 st7920 Arduino Mega and a 4x4 keypad
    sorry but I did not understand how you solved the problem.
    can you show me the piece of code you used to solve the problem
    TKS Gianni

  2. ** UPDATE ** This problem is caused by updating the data while it is being displayed. The update must not happen within the display loop.

  3. #include "U8glib.h"
    // 8Bit Com: D0..D7: 8,9,10,11,4,5,6,7 en=18, di=17,rw=16
    U8GLIB_ST7920_128X64_4X u8g(8, 9, 10, 11, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18, 17, 16);

    int Sample[128];
    int Input=0;
    int OldInput=0;
    int rate=0;

    void u8g_prepare(void) {
    void DrawMarkers(void) {
    u8g.drawFrame (0,0,128,64);
    u8g.drawPixel (22,16);
    u8g.drawPixel (43,16);
    u8g.drawPixel (64,16);
    u8g.drawPixel (85,16);
    u8g.drawPixel (106,16);
    u8g.drawPixel (22,32);
    u8g.drawPixel (43,32);
    u8g.drawPixel (64,32);
    u8g.drawPixel (85,32);
    u8g.drawPixel (106,32);
    u8g.drawPixel (22,48);
    u8g.drawPixel (43,48);
    u8g.drawPixel (64,48);
    u8g.drawPixel (85,48);
    u8g.drawPixel (106,48);

    void sample_data(void){
    // wait for a trigger of a positive going input
    // Input=analogRead(A0);
    while (Input < OldInput){
    // collect the analog data into an array
    // do not do division by 10.24 here, it makes it slower!
    for(int xpos=0; xpos<128; xpos++) {

    void draw(void) {
    // display the collected analog data from array
    // Sample/10.24 because 1024 becomes 100 = 5 volts
    for(int xpos=1; xpos<128; xpos++) {
    u8g.drawLine (xpos, Sample[xpos]/10.24, xpos+1, Sample[xpos+1]/10.24);

    void setup(void) {
    // assign default color value
    if ( u8g.getMode() == U8G_MODE_R3G3B2 )
    u8g.setColorIndex(255); // RGB=white
    else if ( u8g.getMode() == U8G_MODE_GRAY2BIT )
    u8g.setColorIndex(3); // max intensity
    else if ( u8g.getMode() == U8G_MODE_BW )
    u8g.setColorIndex(1); // pixel on, black
    void loop(void) {
    // Set sample speed according to switch on A1
    // picture loop
    do { draw(); }
    while( u8g.nextPage() );
    // rebuild the picture after some delay
