Monday, July 8, 2013

Arduino powered 5 Million samples per second oscope with CA3306 Part 2

It is easier for me to add another part to the previous post, than to edit that one because if I do blogger will totally trash my code.  Someone asked about the LCD display connections, etc.  First the LCD is the common 2.4 inch LCD found on eBay.  It is identified by having 18 pins at one end and two sets of pins that are perpendicular to that for the touch screen and memory card.

here is a picture of the backside of the LCD showing how the connectors are arranged.

Here is a schematic of the LCD hookup with the control pins changed so the analog ports are free.

Here is a picture of the LCD hookup for the 5 million sample per second oscilloscope.

Someone on "Hack A Day" pointed out that I left off the oscillator schematic.  Here is a schematic of the clock.  It can be any clock oscillator from 5 to 10 MC.


  1. what model lcd are you using there?

  2. That LCD is the 2.4 inch color TFT-240 found all over eBay.

  3. apology that libraries use and if no way I can explain a little bit your code

  4. Code is in my book "Arduino LCD Projects" and in article in "Nuts and Volts" magazine.
