Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Projectors for Africa Part 2

Years ago I was in Africa with my brother.  We were setting up a video Bible school and we purchased a large TV to show the video's on.  However the guy using the TV only had a bicycle to haul it around with.  I thought "If only I could send over some Projectors!"  That year we started sending video projectors to Africa.

Last year I refurbished over 20 Video projectors for use in Africa and in the Philippines.  This year I have already purchased over a dozen used projectors that need to be refurbished.  That included cleaning and adding a new air filter.

My brother just took a load of projectors over to Africa and sent back these pictures of happy pastors.  He includes a Video Bible School and some of his teaching Video's.

We need DVD players, power cables, VGA cables and A/V cables.  If you have any you want to donate let me know.

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