Tuesday, April 28, 2015

I am working on a book of LED Cube Projects

I have been working on a book of LED Cube Projects.  It might end up being two books one for the Arduino and one for the Raspberry Pi.  So far I have built a 4x4x5 LED cube and a 8x8x8 LED cube. Coming up next is a Color Cube likely 6x6x6 in size.

Here is a picture of the 8x8x8 LED Cube from above.

This first picture is of a 3D slice cutting through the cube.

Here is a link to the video: https://youtu.be/g9kaYzO85oM

This next video is of "falling rain" 

Here is a link to that video: https://youtu.be/-tZJ-3NSlhY

Here is a picture of it running with a Raspberry Pi.
Here is a link to that video: https://youtu.be/eRgVuaLHWls

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