Thursday, February 11, 2016

LG Optimus Fuel L34C teardown

Someone dropped a fairly new LG Optimus Fuel phone into the tub.  I had to tear it apart.  It was really amazing how easy it was to take apart.

Remove the back cover.
Remove the battery.
Remove 6 tiny screws.
Remove back gray plastic.
Unplug two connectors, they pull straight out.
Remove the circuit board.
Disconect two metal hooks and the metal shield comes off.
Insert parts in bowl or rice and wait several hours.

The two connectors to the screen are in the upper right corner of this picture.

The two screen connectors are in the lower left corner of this picture.

 These are all of the parts minus the battery and back cover.

Everything worked when I put it back together.  A little while later the screen died and has been blank ever since.....

1 comment:

  1. The two connectors to the screen are in the upper right corner of this picture.iPhone repair nottingham
