Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Raspberry Pi and ILI9341 2.8 inch SPI 320 by 240 LCD

Over the holiday weekend I finished up writing my code for this 2.8 inch LCD.  It can now do bmp graphics as well as text and even large text.  All of the code is written in Python, so there are no dependencies except for SPI support that is now built into the Raspberry Pi operating system.

This picture shows a sample of the text.  It supports colors as two sizes of text.

This is the wiring chart:
Raspberry Pi
1 – Vcc
Pin 1
2 - Gnd
Pin 6
3 - CS
Pin 24/GPIO8/CE0
4 – RST
Pin 18/GPIO24
5 – D/C
Pin 16/GPIO23
Pin 19/GPIO10/MOSI
7 – SCK
Pin 23/GPIO11/SCLK
8 – LCD
10 ohms to Vcc

This is the code to display the bmp graphics:

def Image (filename):
  Write_CD (( 0X2A, 0X00, 0X00, 0X00, 0XEf )) #240 Columns
  Write_CD (( 0X2B, 0X00, 0X00, 0X01, 0X3F )) #320 rows
  Write_cmd ( 0X2C ) # Next: red, Green, Blue bytes
  GPIO.output (RS, True )  # RS = 1 will send data
  try:  # Prevents crashing when images do not work
    with open(filename, 'rb') as bitmap: # Must be 240x240-320 image
      for x in range ( 0,320 ):
        pixline = []
        for y in range ( 0,720 ):   # 720=240*3
 + x*720 + (719-y)) # 36 is header size
          Pixel = ord( # 719-y reverses image horizontally
          pixline.append (Pixel)
        spi.writebytes (pixline)

Here is a video of it running.

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