Monday, March 29, 2021

17 DOF Humanoid Robot with Robot Servos

 I am building another humanoid robot, this time with what are called "robot", double ended, servos.  This picture is what he looks like so far.

I even went a step further and purchased "Serial bus" servos.  They require a special controller and then you need to program them with ID numbers.  This next picture is what a robot bus servo looks like.  Only one end is powered the other end has a servo horn that slips freely.

If you buy five of the LX-224 servos on Amazon they then come with two controller boards.  One controller works with a PC only and the other controller has a built in processor for off-line operation.

Here is the advertisement that got me started on this new robot project.  Only $40 for the metal parts (you need to get the servos and the controller) is a really good deal.  It also comes with bags of screws. You can ignore the boxing gloves in the picture, it has regular hands.

Here is a close up of what the assembled robot normally looks like.

I did not like the angry head that the robot came with, so I changed it to a ultrasonic range finder instead.  This required a new top piece that I made out of some scrap aluminum.  His front cover and battery holder has not been added yet.
For size comparison I stood the new robot next to a humanoid that uses normal servos.  The robot servos are smaller in size resulting in a smaller robot.  As you can see his feet are much bigger, but the rest of the robot is smaller.

This is the robots size chart according to the eBay advertisement.

I have added a battery, processor and all the cables.  Getting close to operating!

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