Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Converting TV to LED sign with 16x16 Arrays and SP801E

 I have been Converting an  old TV into a LED sign with 16x16 Arrays and SP801E controller.  At first I had 8 of the 16x15 ws2812 LED arrays then I added two of the 8x32 LED arrays to better fill in the screen area.

Here are two demo pictures.  One is a built in pattern and the other is a picture of my wifes pineapple upside down cake.

This is a close up picture of the controller.  I am only using 3 of the 4 outputs of the SP801E.  Each output can light up to 1024 LED's.

The screen is still not completely covered with the LED arrays.  But I do not know how to fill inthe last couple of inches of screen area.

Here is the latest video of the LED sign.

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