Friday, June 21, 2024

InMoov Compatible Hand Design Upgrade

I am working on a InMoov Compatible Hand Design Upgrade.  The main goal is to put all the servos in the hand.  Years ago I printed out a hand only to discover that all the servos are in the forearm.  Recently I though I could do better.  So far I am on my third hand.

This is what it looks like so far.  I used the one piece finger segments and printed them laying down with supports to plate only.  The servo arms will need to be two sided or 3D printed.

Onthe left are the first three attempts to print the improved hand.  In the latest version the servos are indented 6mm so they stick out the back side of the hand slightly.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Converting TV to LED sign with 16x16 Arrays and SP801E

 I have been Converting an  old TV into a LED sign with 16x16 Arrays and SP801E controller.  At first I had 8 of the 16x15 ws2812 LED arrays then I added two of the 8x32 LED arrays to better fill in the screen area.

Here are two demo pictures.  One is a built in pattern and the other is a picture of my wifes pineapple upside down cake.

This is a close up picture of the controller.  I am only using 3 of the 4 outputs of the SP801E.  Each output can light up to 1024 LED's.

The screen is still not completely covered with the LED arrays.  But I do not know how to fill inthe last couple of inches of screen area.

Here is the latest video of the LED sign.