I am expanding my sign with 16x16 WS2812B Addressable LED arrays. Currently I am at 3x5 of these arrays but am working on adding three more for a 3x6 or 48 by 96 sign.
This is the built in demo with a T8000 controller. I had more luck with the SP801E controller.
Here I am starting to add the grids to make the pixels square. The grids are on thingiverse. I drilled too many holes in the luan because I confused the orientation. They need to connet from top to bottom.
This is another picture of assembling the arrays. I am using E-6000 glue to hold them in place. I glue two or three at a time just in the corners then put something on them to hold them in place till the glue dries.
This is a demo with an SP801E controller