Thursday, February 13, 2025

New Big LED sign powered by Raspberry Pi

I have made another big LED sign, but this time it is powered by a Raspberry Pi.  At first I used the Adafruit Hat ,but I have upgraded to the three HUB75 Hat from ElectroDragon! This enalbes three chains of LED arrays. So far I have 5 32x32 panels in each chain but I will likely expand that.

This is a view of the back of the assembled panel. I am using metal brackets to hold the panels together as they have on inch spacing. 24mm is ideal as the one inch spacing leaves about a two mm space between the panels. I have a 3D printed version of the brackets on thingiverse and have used them in other designs.

Here is a couple of pictures of the panel being lit up. The text demo is limited to one line of panels.

There are several demo programs to check out the proper operation of the Raspbery Pi adapter.

Here is a link to the video of the demos;

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